Tag Archives: emotional affair

Secret Facts About an Emotional Affair You Need to Know

emotional affair

Infidelity in an emotional affair occurs when a person develops a strong attraction and shares deep intimacy, with someone who isn’t his/her partner. In most cases, no physical intimacy is involved because the individuals never get the chance to meet in reality.

Emotional Affairs- Chatting or Cheating?

The end of your marriage

An emotional affair is a romantic liason without sex that often involves attraction, intimacy, attention and growing interest, and exclusion of your primary partner from this ‘friendship’. Renown relationship and author of “Chatting or Cheating”, Dr Sheri Meyers helps you determine if you are on a path to trouble!

How to Cope with an Emotionally Distant Partner

Do you sometimes feel emotionally disconnected from your spouse? Does he act cold towards you? Has he stopped expressing his feelings? Has he stopped spending quality time with you? Is he avoiding intimacy? If you said yes to any of those questions, that means an emotional distance has been created in your relationship.

Recovering from an Emotional Affair

exposing the affair online

The Emotional Affair As we previously discussed, emotional affairs are real – and they hurt just as much as physical affairs. Your partner does not need to be physically intimate with someone to be cheating on you, and they do not need to engage in physical contact to be intimate with someone else. In order […]

Cheating Without Sex: Emotional Affairs Hurt Too

Emotional Affairs Where is the line drawn between faithful and unfaithful? What constitutes “cheating”? The situation is all too familiar: you and your significant other have been having disagreements about an outside relationship you feel may lead to an affair, while your spouse assures you it could never happen. Many people have long-term friendships of […]

Survey results: The #1 person your spouse will cheat on you with is “A FRIEND”

Who do cheat with?

Did you know that your friend has a 55% chance of having an affair with your own spouse? It is true. The survey results are in! A recent British survey conducted by YouGov UK for The Sun newspaper found that one in five British adults admit to having an affair, while a third of adults […]

NYC Counselor shares the warning signs of an emotional affair

NYC INFIDELITY COUNSELING It is a known fact that married and unmarried partners go outside their relationships to fill sexual and sometimes emotional needs. Without a doubt an affair is a major relationship trauma, putting in question trust, commitment, love. When couples come in after a discovery of the affair the wounded partner feels completely […]