Tag Archives: empathy

Are you lacking empathy?

Mistress And Wife Meet For The First Time

Lack of empathy is at the core of many relationship problems. I was struck with what we are all up against while watching a Star Trek episode. Spock had volunteered to be possessed by an alien presence so that it could communicate with Captain Kirk of the Starship Enterprise. As soon as it entered Spock’s […]


The Internet is indeed serious bizness. With the abundance of easily available information, it’s tempting to throw this information around without restraint especially as an opportunity for self-aggrandizement. But there’s the subtle art of dishing things out, be it facts, opinions or advice in a healthy manner. If it’s out of excitement, we can somehow forgive or tolerate […]

Empathy is key

how to forgive after the affair

When a couple begins their affair recovery journey with me, and I tell them that one of the keys to forgiveness is the development of empathy – I get some really strange looks. Some people will share with me that they have no intention of keeping their marriage – “….so why bother developing empathy for […]

My Journey Towards Forgiveness

Love Addiction

Readers Article Contribution Winston Churchill once said, “I do not ask how the wounded person feels. I simply become that wounded person.”  Far too often, our society loses touch of this basic principle of empathy. And I am no exception. In fact, I have been quite the opposite for the past several months, writhing in […]