Tag Archives: healing from an affair

The 3 Barriers to Forgiveness after Cheating

how can I save my marriage after an affair

One of the most difficult decisions you’ll make post-affair—beyond whether or not to save your marriage—is whether or not to forgive your spouse. The choice is yours, and there’s no right or wrong. You’ll either want to grant forgiveness, or it will be something you can’t abide the thought of doing. Forgive or Not Forgive: […]

Making Sense of Infidelity

Making Sense of Infidelity

Making Sense of Infidelity …how understanding it all helps you Whether you are staying or leaving, there is value in understanding what the infidelity in your relationship meant, and where it came from. We cannot fully heal and let go, until certain processes are completed. When the storm settles down, as you move through the […]