Tag Archives: Ph.D

Preventing and Overcoming infidelity

how to prevent an affair

After an affair, a relationship is more vulnerable than ever. The affair has created uncertainty and opened the future to other possibilities. Shirley Glass recommends these seven tips to ensure the relationship continues to heal.

Protect your children’s rights during and after your divorce

how to tell children about divorce

The divorce of one’s parents is difficult and emotionally distressing for children of all ages. A subsequent remarriage of either parent creates an additional adjustment.  A father’s remarriage to a younger woman may be particularly stressful for his children. What are the issues that make this new union most troublesome to youngsters? Intact families provide […]

Resolving Marital Betrayal

marriage counseling

Feeling betrayed by a mate is profoundly devastating. Betrayal is usually associated with infidelity, but even in its absence, emotional betrayal creates great pain and deep marital discord. Knowing how to manage episodes of betrayal is essential to the stability and security of marital connection. In “The war of the Roses: An Interdependence Analysis of […]