Tag Archives: relationship advice

How to overcome domestic abuse and trauma

domestic abuse

There is a common assumption among modern society that abuse and trauma are things which happen to other people.In a perfect world, no one would have to go through the physical, psychological, and emotional stress of dealing with abuse, domestic violence, bullying, the loss of loved ones, or other traumatic events.Unfortunately, we live in a […]

10 Mistakes Couples Commonly Repeat in Their Relationships

Many couples have problems. This is normal – we are all human after all and different aspects of our life often affect our relationships as well. So, one day our boss can yell at us, and we’ll come home and ignore our partner, be angry at them for some reason and so on. These are […]

3 Keys To Transform Your Marriage

Recognizing you have a marriage problem is the first step along the road to transforming your marriage, and for most couples simply acknowledging there is a problem shatters the marriage myth. According to love stories, movies, and fairytales we are supposed to live ‘happily ever after’. But what happens when Snow White develops a drinking […]

4 things to remember when the chemistry has ‘died’

In our infidelity recovery sessions, one of the most commonly asked questions is “what should I do when I feel that there is no passion, chemistry, or spark left in my marriage?” At this point, couples are also reporting a large decline in their sex life, a lack of physical affection, and general feelings of […]

Are you lacking empathy?

Mistress And Wife Meet For The First Time

Lack of empathy is at the core of many relationship problems. I was struck with what we are all up against while watching a Star Trek episode. Spock had volunteered to be possessed by an alien presence so that it could communicate with Captain Kirk of the Starship Enterprise. As soon as it entered Spock’s […]

How To Tell If He Is Checked Out of the Relationship

Prognostication within a relationship means being aware of what the individual does and how those actions relate to future behaviors. Ask anyone seeking to predict the weather or the winner of this season’s Bachelor and they will confess the low likelihood of success. Fortunately, targeting specific ways he acts with you will indicate the temperature […]

The problem with “clingy” partners

Clingy partners are most likely to cheat, according to a new study. A new infidelity study reveals that insecure people who find it hard to trust are more likely to commit adultery compared to their more confident counterparts. Researchers at Florida State University studied 200 newlyweds over a period of four years. Participants were regularly […]

How to make your man adore you

If you’re a woman… Do you ever wonder why men do some of the CRAZY, unexplained things they do? Do you ever feel completely puzzled by your man’s behavior? If it seems like sometimes your husband’s behavior or responses to you are completely weird or irrational, don’t feel bad… because you’re exactly right. You see, […]

How Do We Keep Marriage Fun Around the Home?

re-connection after an affair

By Paul Brandt, LS, LCSW Keeping any relationship fun is not an easy task – especially in Long Term Relationships. Jodi Hann-Ring says: Fun as part of our home life… Well it only took the first half of our marriage for me to figure out, “don’t sweat the small stuff!”, which is hard when you’re […]

The Mystery of Loving an Abuser: Stockholm Syndrome

The Mystery of Loving an Abuser

People are often amazed at their own psychological conditions and reactions. Those with depression are stunned when they remember they’ve thought of killing themselves. Patients recovering from severe psychiatric disturbances are often shocked as they remember their symptoms and behavior during the episode. A patient with bipolar disorder recently told me “I can’t believe I […]