Tag Archives: Why do men cheat

Survey results: The #1 person your spouse will cheat on you with is “A FRIEND”

Who do cheat with?

Did you know that your friend has a 55% chance of having an affair with your own spouse? It is true. The survey results are in! A recent British survey conducted by YouGov UK for The Sun newspaper found that one in five British adults admit to having an affair, while a third of adults […]

Questions about Monogamy

is monogamy a myth

While we as a society give “lip service” to monogamy, we contribute to some significant societal factors that actually support and encourage affairs. This is not to say that all the blame should be placed on society. That would be just as shortsighted as blaming only the particular people involved. But if we’re to understand and more effectively deal with this issue, it’s essential that we look at the social context within which affairs take place.