The 5 Stages of recovery from grief

I know how bad it feels when you lose something that was very important to you or even worse when you lose a close person.

While i am not trying to underestimate the emotions you are experiencing still i know of few things that can help you feel a little better. In this article i will tell you about the stages of recovery from grief then help you get through them a little faster.

The stages of recovery from deep grief are as follows

  • Denial: The first stage of recovery is denial where you think that what happened to you was only a bad dream and that everything is going to be back to normal. In case of the death of a loved one some people still hear his voice and see him talking to them as a result of denial
  • Anger: The next stage is usually anger where the person starts to blame others or even Blame God. Anger becomes the dominant emotion and the person becomes mad at the slightest reason. If you reached this stage then don’t feel sad because it means that you are already progressing through the stages of recovery
  • bargaining Bargaining is the most dangerous stage because it’s where many people remain stuck. For example in the case of a break up some people keep going to the same places they used to go to together hoping to meet each other by chance.
  • Depression: Depression occurs when you lose hope in getting that thing that you wanted to get and when you admit that you have lost it
  • Acceptance: If you progressed correctly through these stages your depression will start to turn into acceptance and you will start recovering

how to recover faster from Grief

the shorter the time you spend on the first four stages the faster you will recover and the faster everything will get back to normal. Some people spend a long time in one stage or between two stages and that’s what causes their recovery to be so late.

Try to convince yourself to adapt to the new conditions in a faster way. I know this may be hard but it is the only way to recover faster.

It’s totally okay to vent, to express your emotions or to cry. Contrary to common beliefs not venting the emotions properly can actually result in more pain. Sometimes the mind has to go through a phase of sadness in order to fully accept something that happened.

Finishing unfinished business to recover faster

When a person leaves us usually an unfinished business might show up. If for example you wanted the person to forgive you for something but you never managed to ask them for forgiveness then this unfinished business might contribute to your bad feelings after losing the person.

Finishing the unfinished business can certainly help you feel better after the loss. In such a case you can pray for the person, support his family or do any other task that would help you ease some of the guilt you are feeling.

The unfinished business can differ from a case to another but in all cases dealing with it properly can ease the pain.

By M.Farouk RadwanMSc.

All of the techniques in this book are backed by psychology and scientific research. The techniques in the book are derived from Love psychology, Friendship psychology, Neuro-linguistic programming, subconscious mind programming, Behavioral psychology, Hypnosis, Physiology and scientific research. The book “How to get over someone in few days” is a 100% guarantee that you will get over anyone else you will be refunded.

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