The Ashley Madison extortion continues….

Ashley Madison

It should come as no surprise that the extortionists responsible for hacking into the Ashley Madison website, are now focused on extorting from the millions of Ashley Madison members.

Around 8 AM USA PST, an email was sent to all those listed as having Ashley Madison accounts, from “Dewey@ImpactTeam.” Team Dewey says they will remove your Ashley Madison Account, if you pay them what they ask.

The email “Dewey” sent is below:

You may be aware of the recent Ashley Madison hack. It has been considered
one of the largest data leaks ever effecting over 36 million members, of
which you were one.

As of this email we (the hackers) have only released two leaks of
information. 1. The member list and 2. internal company communication. Very
shortly we are releasing a third leak that consists of members personal
profiles, this includes profile pictures, your interests, s**ual
preferences, messages between members and much much more than just your
email address.

We understand being identified as a member of this site is bad enough and
could damage your relationship, social standing and even cause a loss of
your career if your employer finds out due to “morality causes” and a whole
host of other problems, right now you can deny it or claim someone else
signed your email up that is OK but once profile pictures and this
additional information is out it will be almost impossible to deny it was

The truth about Avid Life Media the company that ran Ashley Madison is that
they charged members $19.99 to remove their account promising any trace
that you even existed on the site would be removed, this was a lie that
netted them $1.4M in 2014.

We apologize as the members of the site were not our intended targets it
was company itself.

Before we release the third part of the information we are contacting all
the members who were registered, including yourself to offer them and
yourself a chance to truly remove and redact your profile before the final
leak containing members personal information is released, something that
Ashley Madison charged for but never actually did.

In brief this is a chance to COMPLETELY REDACT your profile from the final
third leak before it’s too late. To remove your profile from the final leak
there is a nominal fee that is completely voluntary, this is 1.15 BTC

Send exactly 1.15 Bitcoin to the address provided below. It is unique to
you and this email – it will detect your payment and automatically redact
your profile from the third leak that will be released shortly. (Don’t
leave it too late!)

Bitcoin Address:

BTC Amount:
1.15 Bitcoin

This is completely voluntary. We thought it would only be fair to offer
this opportunity to members like yourself and unlike Ashley Madison we will
actually honor your payment and remove the information from the pending
leak. We keep our word unlike Ashley Madison.


Obviously, these people don’t find extortion morally wrong. If they are truly concerned with the ethics of adultery, they should just expose everyone as they have done, and be done with it. But they are asking for money, so now we all know what this is really about. Its about money, not ethics and morality.

My advice to anyone that has been called out in this scam, is not to pay this company. You have already been exposed. The damage is done. You need to see my other blog post on the strategy you need to take.

Essentially, you need to communicate exactly what you have done online, and offline, with your spouse. Explain to them WHY you desire to engage online with other people. Deal with the “LACK” in your relationship.

This hack could be the best thing for your broken relationship. The KEY to your happiness is honesty, and communicating your wants, needs, and desires with your spouse.