The Reason we struggle to Forgive People


Building strength to forgive others

In my previous article Why a strong person can forgive others easily, i explained how forgiveness can easily happen when you develop enough emotional strength.

In other words when you believe you are strong enough to remove the harm inflected on you by others then forgiving them will become much easier.

Why do we fail to forgive people?

There are hundreds of articles out there that talk about forgiveness and the importance of forgiving people. Most of them are good articles that try to motivate you to forgive someone by telling you how good forgiveness is and how you will experience inner peace when you forgive people. The only problem is that they don’t tell you how to actually forgive someone!! we sometimes fail to forgive people because a little part inside us refuses to do so.

Motivation may be a good temporary solution but as you lose the motive few days after reading an article you will return back to your original state and you will fail again to forgive those who hurt you.

How to forgive people

In order to be able to forgive people without feeling bad you must understand the underlying feelings that are preventing you from forgiving people. For example, sometimes people fail to forgive others because of ego issues, they feel that they were hurt and that they weren’t valued the way they wanted to be valued.

In such a case reading one thousand articles about forgiveness wont help them at all unless they know how to fix their broken egos. It is the same case as when someone finds himself unable to forgive the person who dumped him after a breakup.

In this case trying to forgive the other person without dealing with these ego issues will yield no results. In my book How to get over anyone in few days i said that you will not be able to recover from a breakup unless you deal with your ego issues because they may be the real reason behind the bad feelings you experience after a breakup.

If you left those issues without taking corrective actions you may fail to recover from a breakup thinking that you loved the person while in fact its your wounded ego that is hindering your recovery.

Some other people fail to forgive others because they feel jealous. knowing that someone took from them the job they always dreamed of or the girl they always wanted to be with makes them jealous. This jealousy stands in the way of forgiveness and so those people never succeed in forgiving those who hurt them.

A third group may fail to forgive others because of self confidence issues. Forgiveness is always associated with strength and confidence, for if you weren’t confident enough you may not be able to forgive someone as giving up one of your rights can make you feel insecure.

The right way to forgive people

In order to forgive people you don’t need motivating articles nor you need ones that tell you about the importance of forgiveness. You just need to understand the real emotions that are preventing you from forgiving someone like jealousy, insecurity, lack of self confidence and other emotions.

Forgiveness can only happen when you are strong and when you have enough sense of security to let go of one of your rights.

Removing emotional harm

Sometimes it can be very hard to forgive a person without first removing the emotional harm a person has caused. Many people for example fail to forgive their parents because they raised them in such a way that made them psychologically weak.

Now in such a case forgiving can be much easier for those people if they took actions to remove the emotional harm inflicted on them. If for example a person lost self esteem because of the way he was abused by his parent then in such a case building self esteem first will make forgiveness much easier for him.

Once we stop the suffering that was caused to us by others we will find it much easier to forgive them since the feelings of hurt can stand in the way of forgiveness.

Understanding the intention behind the harm caused

In many cases you can forgive a person who harmed you by just understanding the intentions behind the harm. If for example you realized that your parents used to treat you badly because they believed that this can help you become a better adult then forgiveness will become much easier.

After all its the meaning that we give to the emotional harm we received that determines the amount of pain we feel. Once we see things in a different light forgiveness can become much easier.

By M.Farouk RadwanMSc.

All of the techniques in this book are backed by psychology and scientific research. The techniques in the book are derived from Love psychology, Friendship psychology, Neuro-linguistic programming, subconscious mind programming, Behavioral psychology, Hypnosis, Physiology and scientific research. The book “How to get over someone in few days” is a 100% guarantee that you will get over anyone else you will be refunded.

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