What Is Micro Cheating And Are You Guilty Of It?

Cheating isn’t just about having a secret sexual contact with an outsider.  There are different attitudes portrayed by an individual that can be termed as cheating.  In relationships, whatsoever an individual does with an outsider that makes his spouse feel betrayed or disappointed can be regarded as cheating.

Micro cheating refers to different actions that indicate that an individual is physically or emotionally interested in another individual.  In this, the partner  might not fault sexually but is unfaithful by maintaining an ambiguous relationship with another person. These individuals maintain an emotional connection, which can be put in place either by messages on social networks, phone and video calls, or when the two people meet regularly.

With regards to micro cheating in marriage, couples have different opinions on what can be considered as micro cheating or not. For example, Mrs. A often sees her husband chatting and smiling at other ladies but she does trust him and believes he’s just being jovial with the ladies and would never have anything intimate to do with them. For Mrs. B who is very jealous, she wouldn’t let her husband chat with just anyone because it would hurt her and she considers such act as cheating.

Other Examples of Micro Cheating 

If a married individual gets involved in the following acts, it could be termed as micro cheating.

  1. In the evening while hanging out with friends, you always put your wedding ring into your pocket and say that you are single. Meanwhile, your lovely partner would be at home waiting for your return.
  2. You always flirt with others and engage in sexual talk with someone else.
  3. You purchase gifts for an opposite sex who isn’t related to you. If you do it on special occasions, then it can be excused but when you do it repeatedly, then there is something more to that.
  4. You return (very) regularly to your ex’s Facebook profile, to see where he is, who he is going out with, where he is traveling to, etc. If you are truly in love with your spouse then why do you care about what goes on in your ex’s life?
  5. You spend time with a particular individual and involve in specific type of contact such as holding of hands, sleeping on the same couch, always going out together for coffee, etc.
  6. Having a social media profile that says you are single and always posting body revealing pictures to attract the opposite sex.
  7. Developing a crush on an individual and getting emotionally attached to the person. Always thinking about the person and wishing your spouse was out of your life so you can have the other person.
  8. When you make best friends with someone of the opposite sex and share all your private thoughts and family issues with the individual instead of sharing them with your spouse.
  9. When you store a so called friend’s contact with a code name in your phone to avoid suspicions.


What can micro cheating do to your marriage?

Attitudes of micro cheating form the foundation for infidelity and for this reason they shouldn’t be overlooked. If you found yourself getting closer and emotionally attached to an outsider then you must put a check on your intentions before it gets too late.  To prevent micro cheating a couple should discuss the issue and set boundaries which must be obeyed.