Why are so many Black Women Are Single and Alone?


Black women are the most un-partnered group on the planet! In fact, 42.3% of black women have never been married and over 70% of all black households are run by single parent women! 

Hasani’s main points include:

  1. The Legacy of Strength: From slavery to modern times Black women have been taught to be strong while Black men have been systematically weakened. .
  2. Gender Role Confusion: There used to be a time when we had nothing but pretty women and working men, now we have a whole lot of pretty men and working women.
  3. Too Strong For Your Own Good: Strong Black Women chant the mantra “I’m strong enough, tough enough, can handle it, and have everything under control” which often leaves their emotional well-being neglected and denied.
  4. The Strong Black Independent Woman: A man nor woman should ever be independent within a relationship. If you do you leave your partner with no role to play.
  5. The Assassination of The Black Female Identity: From the plantation to Hollywood, the assassination of the Black Female Image has been use for wealth creation, sexual exploitation and cultural degradation.

Do you agree with Hasani? Is this problem greater in the black community or an issue common with all single women?