Wife exposes her husbands affair online

exposing the affair online

A SCORNED wife has penned a scathing Craigslist letter to her husband’s mistress — warning her she’s about to get what she deserves.

A Central New York woman is calling out her cheating husband in a post on Craigslist’s Syracuse website, and the scornful letter is starting to go viral on Facebook.

“To the Woman Dating My Husband” doesn’t identify the author, who says she lives “South of Cuse,” her spouse or the woman/women he’s having an affair with. However, she does reveal she discovered he was cheating with multiple profiles on online dating sites after a little bit of detective work, including Google search history and finding a receipt for unusual purchases from a Tops store in Cicero.

The post then invites readers to do their own detective work to see if they can identify her soon-to-be ex-husband, who’s 56 and works as a “contractor-type,” and his mistress, also known as “the proud new doormat for a middle-aged man.”

“So the following may be you, or it may be ‘multiples’ of you. I do not know how many of ‘you’ there are. So read to the end. You’ll figure out if it’s the guy you’re dating. Perhaps one of your friends will see this and figure it out for you..“You left your mascara in my husband’s old vehicle (he bought a newer one in late September). It was a shimmery brown Covergirl.

“I think you left some clothes here too. I threw them away. You also left a bra. You’re size 36 B. I’m a 34C. The bra stank with BO. (Of course, it maybe that it belongs to someone else….. After all, his dating profiles –OurTime.com and Match.com–showed that he was horn-doggin’ over a 120 mile radius… )”

The open letter was posted Saturday on the online classifieds site’s “rants & raves” section. It has since been shared more than 2,300 times on social media, with comments ranging from “I’m laughing so hard” to “atta girl.”

“She went all detective on him haha so something I would do,” one Facebook user wrote.

“Great idea, to the point and well deserved to be publicized,” another said.

“Gotta share this one. It’s too good,” a third commented. “Good luck to the wife and may God forgive the other two.”

The original post reveals the couple is getting divorced, and the author says she’s taking half of the money from everything they owned over 15 years, including their house, his new truck, tools and two purebred dogs. She then advises “the Woman Dating My Husband” not to marry him.

“He’ll use you up, he’s a selfish lover, he’s a spend-a-holic, and it’s likely he’ll revert to booze. His financial decisions will drive you into bankruptcy. (He’s done it twice) His family will hate you (they’re weird, you’ll see), and he has a tendency to do incredibly stupid stuff,” she writes. “If you’re a real, actually nice person, that has been duped, just know that he’s gotten very good at lying. He’s a lot of fun. He’s a great cook, and a great talker…And he’s not single, he’s just trying to get laid. Or worse. He’s courting you as the next Mrs., knowing that our divorce will leave him very, very financially screwed. And you, my dear, are lookin’ to him like his life boat. Get out while you can.”