Your relationship is, what you envision it to be

visualize the relationship you want

What is Visualization?

Visualization is the process of using your thoughts and emotions to imagine and then attract the people, circumstances and golden opportunities you most desire, into your life.

Napoleon Hill has been talking about it for nearly a hundred years and it has been regularly used for decades by people from all walks of life, to achieve their goals in a much faster and easier way.

Even professional athletes, including Olympic Gold medalists, have been using visualization for years to help increase performance. A Harvard Medical School study found that subjects who visualized themselves practicing the piano had the same structural changes in the brain as those who participated in the intense practical piano training sessions – proof that consistent visualization can help people learn new skills and reach goals faster!

The Brain Science Behind How and Why Visualization WORKS…

At the base of your brain is a small and very powerful bundle of nerves called your Reticular Activating System (RAS). Its job is to filter through the 40 million bits of data your subconscious mind picks up each second from the outside world, and send just 40 bits of that (what it thinks is of the most importance to you), into your conscious, thinking mind where you’ll actually become aware of it.

If you tend to focus on the fact that money is scarce for example, by default you’ve programmed your RAS that this is of primary importance to you. Then, everywhere you look, you’ll find this view of reality reinforced.

But, when you take even just a few minutes each day to visualize yourself enjoying a life of abundance and prosperity, you reprogram your RAS to look for ways to make this reality come true. You’ll notice people, conversations and golden opportunities to create more wealth and abundance in your life!

Visualization Made Easy

The secret to effective visualization is two-fold. You must first create a clear mental picture of what you want, and you must then visualize yourself achieving these results with feeling and emotion. Tying emotion to your visualizations is the absolute key to reprogramming your RAS to bring into your reality everything you desire. However, being able to successfully visualize your goals in your mind with complete emotion, can feel impossible for some people.

Right now you may or may not be sure that your relationship is worthwhile. You have fears, and rightly so! You both have fears. You have come along way in learning about yourself, your relationship, and how to overcome the emotional rollercoaster ride that affairs cause.

One of your final exercises in The 7 Step Infidelity Recovery Program is visualizing the relationship you want. You probably have never taken the time to think about the relationship you DO want. What would that LOOK like? What would you do? Where would you go? How would you treat each other? What rituals and traditions would you like to start? Where would you like to travel? You get the point I’m sure.

Remember this point….

If you are INTERESTED, you will only do what is convenient

BUT, if you are COMMITTED, you will do whatever it takes

[learn_more caption=”Activity”] Each person to think about the relationship they truly desire Write a list or a page or two on this vision Each write 5 things you need to stop doing to achieve this vision Each write 5 things you want to start doing to achieve this vision Over the next few weeks, you are to collect pictures and create a RELATIONSHIP VISION BOARD on this Visualized Relationship. You can do this either electronically or the traditional collage board. Share the vision board with a friend, family, and your coach on your 3 mth checkup.[/learn_more]


Creative Visualization

Creative visualization is a mental technique that uses the imagination to make dreams and goals come true. Used in the right way, creative visualization can improve your life and attract to you success and prosperity. It is a power that can alter your environment and circumstances, cause events to happen, and attract money, possessions, work, people and love into your life.

Creative visualization uses the power of the mind, and is the power behind every success.

How does it work and why?

The subconscious mind accepts the thoughts that you often repeat. When it accepts them, it changes your mindset accordingly, as well as your habits and actions. This brings you into contact with new people, situations and circumstances.

Thoughts are endowed with a creative power that molds your life, and attracts what you think about.

Thoughts travel from one mind to another, and if they are strong enough, they can be unconsciously picked up by people, who are in a position to help you achieve your desires and goals.

We are part of the Omnipotent Power that has created the universe, and therefore, we participate in the process of creation. Bearing this thought in mind, there is no wonder that thoughts materialize.

Stop for a moment and think – You are an indivisible part of the great Universal Power! This means that your thoughts can come true! Not all your thoughts, but those that are focused, well-defined, and often-repeated.

Thought is energy, especially a focused thought, soaked with emotional energy. Thoughts change the balance of energy around us, and bring changes to the environment in accordance with them.

Most people think and repeat certain thoughts quite often. They focus their thoughts on their current environment and situation, and therefore, create and recreate the same sort of events and circumstances.

This process preserves the same “world” and status quo. It is like watching the same film over and again. The good news is that you can change the film by changing your thoughts. You can visualize different circumstances and situations, and in this way, create a different “reality”.

By changing your thoughts and mental images, you change your “Reality”. You are not employing magic or supernatural powers, but using only natural powers and laws that everyone possesses. It is not something “Material” that you change. You only change your thoughts and attitude, but they change and reshape your world.

If, for example, you live in small apartment and need a larger one, instead of brooding about your fate and lack of money, change your thoughts and attitude, and visualize living in a bigger apartment. This is not difficult to do. It is like daydreaming.

Overcoming Limited Thinking

Creative visualization can do great things, but for every person, there are some areas, which he or she might find hard to change, at least in the immediate future. The power of visualization is a mighty power, but there are some limits to using it. These limits are within us, not in the power.

We often limit ourselves and cannot look beyond a limited circle. We limit ourselves by our thoughts and beliefs. We limit ourselves to the life we know.

The more open-minded we can be, and the bigger we dare to think, the greater are our opportunities and possibilities. Limitations are within our minds, and it is up to us to rise above them.

It may take some time until things start to change. Simple, small demonstrations of this power may come fast, but bigger results may need a longer time to happen.

The time and effort put forth in this study are really worthwhile. Have faith and patience and results will start appearing.

To read more:

Creative Visualization and the Power of Thoughts

Concise Guidelines for Creative Visualization