5 Simple Steps in Asking Forgiveness to Your Boyfriend

Forgiveness to Your Boyfriend

It is really unavoidable for lovers to quarrel for some time. There are times that the culprit is the man wherein they have many tactics to say sorry to their girl and win their girl back. They are romantically creative indeed. But when the guilty party is the woman, they typically just kiss and make up with their boyfriend or the worst part, they may never say sorry to their boyfriend. They just let the situation to subside which is not becoming healthy.

In order to have a healthy relationship with your boyfriend you need to know how to handle things in asking for his forgiveness. So, how do you apologize to your boyfriend? What do you need to do to straighten up all the issues with your boyfriend? How do you say sorry for your mistakes? To answer all those questions, here are some tips about how you can apologize to your boyfriend.

Timing is important. Women are generally very insistent and there are times that they want things to be done in their way. This time, you need to be calm and never insist in explaining yourself at the wrong moment. Let the situation cool down before you talk to him, since talking to him while he is angry may lead to more problems.

First and foremost, I want to preface this with a reminder that yes, everyone makes mistakes and everyone should take ownership of their mistakes – which means there are times that we all need to apologize. But by the same token, do not be anyone’s beating post. What I mean by that is, if you find yourself constantly apologizing then there is a major problem with the relationship and you need to look at deeper issues than how to apologize. But assuming your relationship is a healthy one we will move on with how to apologize.

Choose your words properly when apologizing to your boyfriend. Make your statement as short as possible. However, you need to make your apology concise and sweet and sincere. Tell your boyfriend how sorry you are and how you regret the bad things that you have done. Looking him into the eyes is best to show how sincere your apology is. But you have to remember to make simple explanations – nothing more. Don’t make lengthy explanations or persuade him to agree with you.

While asking for forgiveness, giving a simple and nice gift can help too. I bet that you know his favorite food or his favorite author, well you can give one of those or any items that will make his head spin since he like it very much. Remember that the gift should be all about him and not a gift that you think will be nice. There is a great difference between the two.

Lastly, you must take responsibility for your actions. Remember that all things have consequences. So, negation is a natural reaction of any individual and that includes your boyfriend. So, if he didn’t accept you apology, it doesn’t meant that your relationship is over. It only means that there is still anger in his heart and he just needs a little time to forgive you. So let him have that time. In addition, if you have to take consequences for what you have done, do so. If you have broken his gadget, take responsibility of having it repaired. It’s only money anyway.

Remember that saying sorry will not automatically mean that you are forgiven. For most of the time, you need to prove that you are worthy for that forgiveness especially if your mistake is really big. So, be a woman and admit your fault. Sometimes being honest is enough to deserve forgiveness.

About Author

Alex Wise is a blog contributor and dating consultant for Loveawake dating site, which launched in July 2009 and has been providing original free dating services and relationship advices, tips, articles, reviews, and videos to readers ever since. Follow him on the company site or on Facebook and Twitter