Behind each of our 7-Affair types is a profile of an individual.  Each profile has a specific treatment program to help both the individual and the couple move forward after relationship betrayal. That’s not to say there are many ways or styles of cheating and in this section of the website we will explore other popular methods of cheating such as Financial cheating, cyber cheating, and emotional infidelity.

For example, if somebody is talking on a cyber chat line to somebody they feel an emotional connection to, and, they know their partner at home would be very upset to find out this connection was taking place, would this be considered cheating? If it was your partner keeping a secret relationship on the chat line I guess you would answer yes to that question. If it was you in a secret relationship with somebody online, and that relationship was discovered by your partner, would you say that the chatting was innocent?

Our response would be to look up the type of affair that is happening in your situation. It could be considered a Type 1: Accidental affair should this online relationship be new. Recovery from this mistake is generally overcome quite quickly what’s the relationship sets new boundaries. If the relationship has extended over time, there is generally a deeper reason as to why this “online relationship” is being kept secret. Look to the other 6 affair types to determine the psychological reason as to why this relationship is existing.

1 thoughts on “Other Affair Types

  1. Letha says:

    My husband of 11 years committed infidelity causing the birth of a child with another woman and I finally found out 6 years later. The baby did not make it. I’m hurt, angry, confused, damaged ect…I don’t know what to do. He says it was an accidental affair. Only one time. But he seen her three times. He slept with her admitted to me. Second ahe told him the baby’s name. Third that she lost the baby. He swears that was it. I filed separation papers, pending the DNA testing. I told him if it’s his, we are divorcing. Need advice please…

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