How you can emotionally and spiritually attract another person

free relationship advice

Often, when a relationship shows signs of breaking up, the tendency is to see the problem as being with the other person rather than ourselves. We fail to recognize that WE are carrying residual pain and unhappiness in our soul from past experiences, and that our partner is just triggering that which is already within us. The truth is, they are simply a mirror reflecting what lies buried in our soul.


Apart from giving and receiving love, one of the highest purposes for a relationship is to help us see where inner healing needs to take place. But so often, instead of understanding this and confronting our demons, we run like scared rabbits, leaving love behind. And then, in that wounded state, we look for a new relationship that we think will give us what we want. And so the cycle continues.


If you do the inner soul work you will draw real permanent love to you, because only when you are emotionally and spiritually whole can you attract another equally whole person.


~ Daniel Nielsen

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Daniel Nielsen – “I write short, poetic, soul-deep messages of love and life, with the aim of helping people move away from their ego-mind and connect to their heart.” Stay connected with Daniel on Facebook[/author_info] [/author]