Tag Archives: dating

Dating After Betrayal

This week, I’m going to discuss the topic of dating specifically dating when you have had a nasty relationship break up. Think of the worst thing that can happen to a committed monogamous relationship and that is infidelity. The process of working through the infidelity and finding yourself on the other side is arduous and […]

Dating after Infidelity

Nothing scars and scathes like a nasty breakup encounter. It can be scary getting back into the dating scene after a long break. If things didn’t end on a good note, then you may not be sure if you are ready to trust someone new. Here are 10 tips to follow: Hold on until you […]

7 Ways to Stop Feeling Insecure in Your Relationship

Don’t feel good enough? Everyone has insecurities; it is just how life works. It doesn’t matter whether you look like you walked out of a fashion magazine or you feel like the least attractive bum on the planet. These insecurities make us human but running rampant, they can spell doom for an otherwise healthy relationship. […]

Eleven Categories of Men you Should never Date

Every woman has a strong desire to find a man that would love and cherish her. Her quest for companionship makes her open the doors of her heart to men. Unfortunately, when some of these men come in, they tend to cause her emotional pains. Due to constant heart breaks, some women have developed a […]

End Your Negative Relationship Patterns & Attract The Love Of Your Life

relationship advice

  I want to help you put an end to your negative relationship patterns and start attracting the kind of love into your life that you deserve. Let me ask you…. Have you stayed in negative relationships from fear of being alone? I will show you how I went from dating the wrong men to […]

How to Navigate Dating Effectively ~ For Mature Women + Baby Boomers

How to Navigate Dating Effectively ~ For Mature Women + Baby Boomers   With divorce rates higher than ever before and Baby Boomers hitting their 50s, 60s and up, more and more mature women are finding themselves single and facing the choice whether to go back into the dating pool or not. Social mores and […]