Tag Archives: how to save marriage alone

The 8 Vows You Must Make To Yourself

the couple bubble

Don’t wait to  New Year’s Eve to contemplate the changes you need in your life. In this blog, I will have you prepared to start your New Year on the right foot! When we get married, we make a lot of promises to our beloved – to ‘love and to cherish, in sickness and in […]

Listen to your soul

We can love many people in our lifetime, searching for our one true love. But an awakened man or woman learns how to listen to their heart, to follow the soul’s promptings and not the advice of the ego-mind. Ego always wants the easy way out. It has a plan. And it’s not for your […]

The importance of understanding context

Quotes Buddha

Growing up I was teased for being a dreamer….”Get your head out of the clouds, Joe!” was a phrase I’d often hear growing up – ‘Joseph the Dreamer! or Sometimes I would be called ‘Columbo’ after the TV Detective Character. Nearly 25 years ago, as a ‘collector of experiences’ I discovered the meaning of CONTEXT* […]

Breakthrough the Upper Limit Barriers to Love

how to forgive after the affair

Reboot Your Relationship and Breakthrough the Upper Limit Barriers to Love!! When you hit the wall with your relationship what do you do? Read on and then listen to the above link!! If a couple wants to unlock their relationship potential, and really deepen over time, they need to clear the decks and get to […]

The Two Sneakiest Marriage Problems

passive aggressive

Among the many couples who’ve consulted with us, we’ve come across two common problems that they fight about the most.  To the passing eye, these everyday problems aren’t threatening – but any couple should know better than to ignore them. Just because they’re common, it doesn’t mean you should take them for granted. They can […]

Saying “Yes” All The Time: The Key to a Happy Marriage?

emotional needs

Dylan, a computer programmer from Sacramento, once asked me, “Is saying yes all the time the best way to a peaceful marriage?” He came to me some time ago because of the problems that have been brewing in his relationship. During one of our meetings, Dylan described in detail the kinds of arguments he had […]