Tag Archives: save my marriage today

The Four Types of Intimacy

Step 4 Sex & Intimacy https://www.udemy.com/the-7-step-infidelity-recovery-couples-course/

Intimacy is a process. It takes place over time and is not stagnant. In fact, any kind of stagnation in a relationship kills intimacy. Intimacy can also take many forms. One form of intimacy is cognitive or intellectual intimacy where two people exchange thoughts, share ideas and enjoy similarities and differences between their opinions. If […]

The importance of understanding context

Quotes Buddha

Growing up I was teased for being a dreamer….”Get your head out of the clouds, Joe!” was a phrase I’d often hear growing up – ‘Joseph the Dreamer! or Sometimes I would be called ‘Columbo’ after the TV Detective Character. Nearly 25 years ago, as a ‘collector of experiences’ I discovered the meaning of CONTEXT* […]

How to stop the chaos and dysfunction in your relationships

marriage counseling

Many people, including myself earlier in life, view friendship and even love as something requiring chaos and dysfunction. It’s what many people saw growing up, and so it is how they define a close or intimate relationship. So if the highs and lows are missing in a relationship, many people will create it in order […]