Tag Archives: reconciliation after affair

Reconciliation: Couple Reconcile Seven Years after Separation

Step 6 - Forgiveness

A divorce can only mark the end of a marriage legally but most times it doesn’t mark the end of the love felt by the couple.  As long as the love lives on, then a reconciliation after a divorce is always possible. The story of Steph and Ricky is a typical example of a love […]

4 Top Considerations when Reconciling with an ex


An Ex Longing to Return… An ex might express a desire to rekindle a relationship or they might be acting friendly. How can one know which it is? Acting one way or the other might give the wrong impression. Being cognizant of and reading all the signs an ex puts forth helps determine their intent. […]

My Infidelity Recovery Experience

The Discovery: When I got married to Ken I had to relocate from my city to another where we rented a new apartment. It was a new vicinity with no friends nor relatives, just my husband and I. After some time I got talking with the lady next door named Melina. She was beautiful, kind […]