Author Archives: Joe Whitcomb

How to stop the chaos and dysfunction in your relationships

marriage counseling

Many people, including myself earlier in life, view friendship and even love as something requiring chaos and dysfunction. It’s what many people saw growing up, and so it is how they define a close or intimate relationship. So if the highs and lows are missing in a relationship, many people will create it in order […]

Breakthrough the Upper Limit Barriers to Love

how to forgive after the affair

Reboot Your Relationship and Breakthrough the Upper Limit Barriers to Love!! When you hit the wall with your relationship what do you do? Read on and then listen to the above link!! If a couple wants to unlock their relationship potential, and really deepen over time, they need to clear the decks and get to […]

Life is about relationships

Life is about relationships

  Life is about relationships. Connection is why we are here. Health is social — it is what gives us meaning, purpose and healing in our lives. This is our path and practice of love, healing fractured relationships and restoring the loss of social capital in society. ‘Our stories are not meant for everyone. Hearing […]

Relationship as a Practice

I get asked this question all the time by singles and couples— “what is a relationship?” Consider “Relationship as a Practice…” First we must understand that there is an internal struggle ‘within’ and ‘between’ and the relationship itself is a mirror for some of the unconscious relationship wounds and ‘hot-wired’ patterns that trigger us. Marianne […]

The 13 Core Skills for Effective Listening in Love Relationships

When working with couples one of the critical skills (basic core skills) is listening, understanding, and validating (LUV Talk). Just because you hear something doesn’t mean you’re listening. Listening isn’t just a skill, it’s one of the keys to wisdom. It requires a calm and genuine curiosity to truly ‘understand’ something or someone for the […]

Conscious Couples

Conscious Couples
[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] C.G. Jung says: ‘Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.’ What makes intimacy tricky sometimes is that in your attempts to feel seen, heard, and known, (often what we most desire) you may take a risk and share who you […]

Do you know the Four Horsemen?

Four Horsemen

These 4 behaviors are poison to relationships. Watch this and find out how to avoid them.   Criticism: It’s okay (and can be healthy) to complain about what’s wrong in your relationship, the problem arises when complaining turns into criticizing. A complaint focuses on the event or behavior you want to change, whereas criticism attacks […]

Conflict relief for your relationship pain

Conflict Relief

This week our theme is “Conflict Relief.” It’s about getting to the core issue and doing our best to clear it so it doesn’t run our life. Ironically, by talking about ‘conflict relief,’ what do you think happened? We invited more “conflict” in. In other words, the “storms” are brewing and in order to burn […]

What Makes A Great Relationship

how to save a marriage

  Many people, including myself earlier in life, view friendship and even love as something requiring chaos and dysfunction. It’s what many people saw growing up, and so it is how they define a close or intimate relationship. So if the highs and lows are missing in a relationship, many people will create it in […]