Category Archives: 1. All Articles

Communication Patterns Between Couples

In my recent book, Reboot Your Relationship: Restoring Love in a Disconnected World, I talk about what is called the Relationship Dance. The needs of ‘I’ bump against the needs of ‘We’ in an intricate dance. We fight for connection, for closeness, but we also seek to protect our hearts from being broken and our uniqueness […]

Easy Ways To Help Your Spouse Conquer His Addiction To Pornography

Did you just discover that your husband is engaged in pornography? Well, you are not alone. The battle against the pornographic monster is a growing problem that affects all strata of society. And the problem will certainly increase because of the proliferation of porn sites on the Internet, which offer both greater accessibility and total […]

The Unreasonable Expectations of Men

In a relationship, a challenge arises as to whether a man’s expectation falls into the reasonable or unreasonable category. Taking time, considering what is being asked and the reason for the expectation forces one to prognosticate the future for themselves and the relationship. Nothing strains a relationship like an unrealistic standard. Let’s look at expectations, […]

I don’t accept you as you are

marriage advice

Nearly every person I have worked with has the same relationship issue. Trying to change their partner. In my experience trying to change our partner is one of the top three relationship issues out there (unhealthy co-dependency and bad boundaries are the other two). For example, years ago when I was dating around, once the […]

Is Pornography in Marriage Advisable?

Pornography is the exhibition and advertising of sex out of the doors of its original context, giving the act a fake, superficial or even dangerous perspective. In reality, pornography is all about massive business traffic. And for the beneficiaries of this traffic, it does not count what means they use, how many bodies they sleep […]

The Waiting Period: Attitudes That Would Keep You Smiling Till You Overcome

The waiting period is that season of your life when what you want isn’t coming through. It can be referred to as our night, trial, learning and building period. In life, everyone passes through a waiting period. For example; that moment after you have sent applications for a job and you’re waiting for an offer […]

Sex, temptation, infidelity, and the badge

cheating in police force
[box] Here is a very interesting article by a retired police chief about infidelity, temptation, and law-enforcement. My question for those that are married or plan to marry is how do we resist the constant temptation? Or is this a myth? Is it our egos? Or are some women just irrisistably attracted to a man […]

How to Handle a Short Tempered Husband

Marriage is a union that brings two people of different temperaments to live together. Usually, we see that after wedding, couples spend the initial part of their wedlock in finding a common ground for their treats, temperaments and potentials. This period is usually delicate as it determines how the latter part of their family life […]