Tag Archives: addiction

Is drug or alcohol addiction affecting your love life?

Unrealistic Demands

Drugs, alcohol, and intimate relationships are a potentially explosive mix. While it is true that substance abuse can have a devastating impact on one’s work and health, intimate relationships are often its first victims. Aside from the user, the greatest impact is often on the substance abuser’s partner. Addicts will choose their drug of choice […]

Is Pornography in Marriage Advisable?

Pornography is the exhibition and advertising of sex out of the doors of its original context, giving the act a fake, superficial or even dangerous perspective. In reality, pornography is all about massive business traffic. And for the beneficiaries of this traffic, it does not count what means they use, how many bodies they sleep […]

Advice Needed: Can my marriage be saved after husband admitted his sexual addiction

“So I’m asking you all, are there any really good answers or hope?”   My husband and I have had this cycle of catching him viewing porn for what seems always. We’ve talked about it and it goes away then somehow comes back. About 4 or 5 years ago, I decided to check the telephone […]

Addiction’s Impact on Relationships

Unrealistic Demands

By Matt Gonzales Addiction is a chronic brain disease that can change a person’s life. The disorder can affect work performance and friendships. It can also affect the relationship between the person battling addiction and his or her significant other. Family members of people with addiction often suffer the consequences of a dysfunctional home environment. […]

Is love the most powerful emotion in human existence?

Marni Amsellem

Most people say it is impossible to change another person. I have watched families beg their addicted kids to accept the gift of treatment and I know that Love is enough. You just need to express it in ways that sometimes feel unbearable to do. The fear of stopping the status quo because they threaten […]

How to break free from love addiction

revenge affairs

Love Addiction can be loosely defined as a dysfunctional relationship between two people in which one person strives, almost compulsively, to ‘fix’ the other person. A characteristic behavior in Love Addiction is enabling, in which the love addict ignores problem behavior in the other person or makes excuses for them in order to continuously feel […]

Drugs, sex, food, it’s not about the object and it may not even be chemical.

How do you catch a cheating partner?

What really causes addiction — to everything from cocaine to smart-phones? And how can we overcome it? Johann Hari has seen our current methods fail firsthand, as he has watched loved ones struggle to manage their addictions. He started to wonder why we treat addicts the way we do — and if there might be […]