Tag Archives: After Infidelity

My Infidelity Recovery Experience

The Discovery: When I got married to Ken I had to relocate from my city to another where we rented a new apartment. It was a new vicinity with no friends nor relatives, just my husband and I. After some time I got talking with the lady next door named Melina. She was beautiful, kind […]

Friday 21 July is the peak day for affairs this year

Top 4 Causes For Divorce

Friday 21 July – dubbed Frisky Friday – is the peak day for affairs this year, according to a dating website created a specifically for those seeking illicit sex. This date is the time when most cheaters will be meeting up with their mistresses and lovers behind their partner’s backs. Frisky Friday represents the last […]

Why support is critical to the health and vitality of a marriage

The reason why weekly coaching with The Infidelity Recovery Program is imperative, is to support you as a mirror, guide on the side and thought partner on your setbacks and sustain and retain you through your growing edge, process, and progress. Just as a physical trainer will do to push you and challenge you to […]

Picking Up The Pieces After Infidelity

after infidelity

It’s very difficult for someone to be betrayed by another person they’ve trusted the most. The easiest thing to do is to break down and cry when your spouse finds love somewhere else. However, it is always up to you how you’ll handle yourself in this difficult situation. You can choose to file a divorce […]