Tag Archives: infidelity

Sex, temptation, infidelity, and the badge

cheating in police force
[box] Here is a very interesting article by a retired police chief about infidelity, temptation, and law-enforcement. My question for those that are married or plan to marry is how do we resist the constant temptation? Or is this a myth? Is it our egos? Or are some women just irrisistably attracted to a man […]

Eight Ways of Handling the Urge to Cheat

As kids, we all had this bad habit of loving a new toy more than the old one. Sometimes, we would cry because we wanted to be given someone else’s toy. But as soon as we got the toy, the love for it faded away. In adulthood, such attitude is portrayed when we cheat in […]

Are opposite sex friends toxic for your marriage?

opposite sex friends

  https://youtu.be/_xMtGdEjqYI   [author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]https://infidelityrecoveryinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/2012-07-26-08.10.54.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Dr. Savannah Ellis is a Clinical Psychologist, Founder of the Infidelity Recovery Institute, creator of the 7-Step Infidelity Recovery Program. Make an appointment with Dr. Ellis, or check out Savannah’s published books on relationships & infidelity. [/author_info] [/author]

Friday 21 July is the peak day for affairs this year

Top 4 Causes For Divorce

Friday 21 July – dubbed Frisky Friday – is the peak day for affairs this year, according to a dating website created a specifically for those seeking illicit sex. This date is the time when most cheaters will be meeting up with their mistresses and lovers behind their partner’s backs. Frisky Friday represents the last […]

What does God say about Adultery & Infidelity?

how can I save my marriage after an affair

NOTICE: IRI IS NOT A RELIGIOUS ORGANISATION We provide this information, as it is a common question during marriage counselling sessions. We provide this information for your reference ONLY. No person should stay in an emotionally or physically abusive marriage. The Bible speaks much on the subject of marriage and divorce.  Check out Matthew 5:21, Matthew 19:8-9, […]

Affair Facts

affair facts

Only 10% will marry their affair partner and then there is huge mistrust when married. If you leave someone and expect to have a long term relationship with the partner in the affair the chances are 1-2%. Shirley Glass Says- infidelity is more likely to lead to divorce if the unfaithful spouse is the wife. […]

Infidelity in the Age of Cybersex: Discovery, Truth-Seeking, and Betrayal

cyber sex

Infidelity in the Age of Cybersex: Discovery, Truth-Seeking, and Betrayal Recently, the anxiety levels of millions of individuals who have been less-than-faithful to their spouses skyrocketed the moment they read the headline: “Hackers Threaten To Out 37 Million Users Of Cheating Website AshleyMadison.com.” Suddenly, (supposedly) married individuals who, for whatever reason, had willingly created (and paid […]

Relationship Commitment versus Permission

When a friendship turns into a sexual relationship, people who are married or in an exclusive relationship have already ignored their original commitment and given themselves permission to go ahead. For some people, commitment comes with a mindfulness of the need for exclusivity, about which they have no second thoughts. For others, commitment is conditional […]

Staying with a spouse after infidelity

withholding sex

Have you ever cheated? Been cheated on? Have you suffered some other devastating betrayal at the hand of the person you loved? In a recent article, author Pamela Haag offers her perspective on the issue of staying with a spouse following infidelity. She comments on the range of responses to news of infidelity — everything […]

Are you in a relationship with a narcissist?

A narcissist will twist the rules to fit their current needs. For example, if the spouse of a narcissist is cheating on the narcissist, the spouse will be considered to be the dishonest and bad person, whereas if the narcissist is cheating it will not be wrong. This is because in the narcissist’s mind, the narcissist simply “fell in love” and followed his or her heart.