Tag Archives: love

How to make your man adore you

If you’re a woman… Do you ever wonder why men do some of the CRAZY, unexplained things they do? Do you ever feel completely puzzled by your man’s behavior? If it seems like sometimes your husband’s behavior or responses to you are completely weird or irrational, don’t feel bad… because you’re exactly right. You see, […]

Making a choice to show love and appreciation to your spouse

love doesn’t make mistakes

By Paul Brandt, LS, LCSW Keeping any relationship fun is not an easy task – especially in Long Term Relationships. Read how some people step up to keeping fun in their relationships   Elizabeth-Justin Balinski For the marriage– Every day write one note, from “I love you”, “you have sexy eyes”, “our honeymoon”, “how you […]

Listen to your soul

We can love many people in our lifetime, searching for our one true love. But an awakened man or woman learns how to listen to their heart, to follow the soul’s promptings and not the advice of the ego-mind. Ego always wants the easy way out. It has a plan. And it’s not for your […]

Your Partner Still Loves You….Even After They Cheated On You

relationship destroyers

Sometimes, couples feel a relationship growing apart before the end is near. Perhaps there is distance from one side of the relationship, or there is a missed a connection between you and your partner. This can lead to doubts about the relationship itself, and makes people wonder if their partner still loves them. We see […]

How to stop the chaos and dysfunction in your relationships

marriage counseling

Many people, including myself earlier in life, view friendship and even love as something requiring chaos and dysfunction. It’s what many people saw growing up, and so it is how they define a close or intimate relationship. So if the highs and lows are missing in a relationship, many people will create it in order […]

How you can emotionally and spiritually attract another person

free relationship advice

Often, when a relationship shows signs of breaking up, the tendency is to see the problem as being with the other person rather than ourselves. We fail to recognize that WE are carrying residual pain and unhappiness in our soul from past experiences, and that our partner is just triggering that which is already within […]

Infidelity in the Age of Cybersex: Discovery, Truth-Seeking, and Betrayal

cyber sex

Infidelity in the Age of Cybersex: Discovery, Truth-Seeking, and Betrayal Recently, the anxiety levels of millions of individuals who have been less-than-faithful to their spouses skyrocketed the moment they read the headline: “Hackers Threaten To Out 37 Million Users Of Cheating Website AshleyMadison.com.” Suddenly, (supposedly) married individuals who, for whatever reason, had willingly created (and paid […]

Is love the most powerful emotion in human existence?

Marni Amsellem

Most people say it is impossible to change another person. I have watched families beg their addicted kids to accept the gift of treatment and I know that Love is enough. You just need to express it in ways that sometimes feel unbearable to do. The fear of stopping the status quo because they threaten […]

The REAL reason why relationships break up

Relationships often break up because issues we are dealing with make us feel unhappy, when the promise of love is to make us feel good. And if it’s our partner who is contributing to the issues and us feeling this way, then surely THEY are to blame. Now, there is a time to walk away […]